Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A ride in the woods

A little off-roading on the ride home after work yesterday, through part of Stony Swamp . Clouds of dragonflies zooming ahead of me on the sunny bits of the trail. Not exactly ideal gearing (42 x 17) or tires (700 x 28) but fun nonetheless. I did have to walk a rocky bit that I feared the tires and rims wouldn't be up to but the trail is basically flat wasn't a big problem. I've never owned a mountain bike and I can't do any of the fancy jumping and climbing over logs that you see in the magazines but I do enjoy riding through forests. One of these days I'm going to take the excellent to heart and set something up with cyclocross tires and a smaller gear but there is something nice about an impromptu trip through the woods without having to think about having the "right" bike.