Sunday, October 15, 2023

Coffeeneuring #1 - coffee and groceries

Bicycle leaning against a sign in front of Starbucks at South Keys












I'm resuscitating the moribund blog as part of my attempt at coffeeneuring. I've attempted coffeeneuring in previous years and circumstances or inertia have always prevented me from seeing it through to the end. I've always enjoyed the rides, and coffee, I did manage though. We'll see how this year goes 

Ride #: 1 

  • Date: 2023-10-08 
  • Where to: Starbucks South Keys 
  • Drink: dark coffee with cream
  • Distance:  10.97 km
  • Bike: Black Mountain Cycles Monster Cross 

Not my favourite coffee spot, you're sitting in a parking lot, but I needed to get something at Loblaws and the actual ride along the Sawmill Creek path is nice. I should have taken some pictures along the ride. 

Map of the activity